Tuesday, May 27, 2014

PopZilla Gallery's POPcade Show

     In the first weekend of May 2014, I was part of a video game themed show in Anaheim, CA. The show as put on by the PopZilla Gallery group, and was called POPcade. Me and 75 other artists put on the largest videogame them,ed show in all of Southern California. The show runs through May 31st, at the Rothick Art Haus in Anaheim CA. http://www.rothick.com/index2.php#/home/

Below are my final pieces as well as some process shots.
     Red Dead Redemption is one of my favorite games of all time, so I took it upon myself to create a portrait of John Marston that captured his character. Painted in acrylic on wood, with real bullet holes. I took the piece to the local range and the employees there were ecstatic when I asked them to purposefully blow holes in something. 

Liara T'soni of the Mass Effect Series is one of my favorite game heroines. We were prompted to create a pinup of a videogame "vixen" of our choice, so I couldn't resist when given the choice. I have always loved Patrick Nagel's work, so I took this opportunity to work in his style again. you can see my other forays in Nagelism in other posts on this blog. Acrylic on canvas.

     This was my first concept, Which at first I thought was where I wanted to take this piece. After struggling with this one much longer than I had time to, I dropped this concept for the one seen below. 

      I will forever be a fan of the Ghostbusters. Their pseudo science combined with comedy and great art direction, will have me as a fan for life. To pay my respects to the passing of Egon Spengler, aka, Harold Ramis, I combined the only videogame with ghosts that wasn't already taken. Poke'mon.
All digital, with a traditional sketch to start.